- Sewer usage is billed according to the actual water used during the first quarter of each year
- The sewer charge remains constant for one year
- Each residential household is billed a monthly flat charge along with a flow usage charge for each 1,000 gallons of water used
- The city has approximately 500 miles of collection lines which primary function by gravity flow
- The Fergus Falls treatment plant was built in 1984
- The average daily flow through the wastewater system is approximately 2.1 MGD with the maximum peak daily flow of 5.83 MGD.
As a property owner, you own your sewer service from the building to the City sewer main. The City owns and maintains the sewer main which is generally located in the middle of the street. The City cleans and inspects the main lines each year. Maintenance crews use a high pressure jet of water to clean the walls of the sewer main and push material and debris downstream where it can be removed at a manhole.
Slow Drains - When you experience slow drains or sewer back-up, it is important to call the Public Works Department in addition to calling your plumber. We will inspect the City sewer main and determine if the blockage is in the mainline or the private service line. If the problem is in the City main, we can alleviate the problem at no cost to you. If the problem is in the private sewer line, staff will advise you of any action you should take.
Slow Drains - When you experience slow drains or sewer back-up, it is important to call the Public Works Department in addition to calling your plumber. We will inspect the City sewer main and determine if the blockage is in the mainline or the private service line. If the problem is in the City main, we can alleviate the problem at no cost to you. If the problem is in the private sewer line, staff will advise you of any action you should take.
The most common causes of sewer backups are:
- Putting items down your drain that should be put into your garbage
- Invasive tree roots
- Sewer Pipe problems (private and / or City Main)
Sewer odors occur when basement floor drains have dried up and allow sewer gas to enter the home. These drains need to be checked periodically and refilled with water. Pour water into the drain to keep it filled. If the odor persists, call the Public Works Department at (218) 332-5435.
Things to remember:
- Call the Public Works Department at (218) 332-5435 whenever your private contractor cleans your service line. This helps prevent roots and debris from getting pushed out of your private service line to the city mainline and cause a backup.
- Permits are required when digging up service lines.
- Call Gopher One at (800)252-1166 to locate utilities prior to digging.
"Flushable" Wipes Video
Ordinance 26, Eighth Series
(A) The property owner is responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the sanitary sewer service line between the sewer main and the building being served.
(B) The costs to restore bituminous and curb and gutter for any maintenance or repair that requires excavation into a paved street shall be paid by the City provided the service pipe failure was not due to misuse by the occupants or users of the building being served. The City’s costs only apply to restoring the street bituminous layer back to a paved street including curb and gutter and shall not include excavation, filling or replacement or repair of service lines.
(C) No claim may be made against the City because of any breaking of any service pipe or fixture or for interruption of services.