Fergus Falls, MN
Home MenuFrequently asked questions about city employment
Q: How can I find out about City of Fergus Falls job openings?
A: Open positions are listed online or at City Hall, located at 112 W Washington Avenue
Q: Where do I file for unemployment?
A: The unemployment hot line number is 877-898-9090 or visit www.uimn.org
Q: Does the City of Fergus Falls offer internship or volunteer opportunities?
A: Contact the specific department you are interested in to see if any such opportunities are available.
Q: Do you have any tips for filling out my application?
- Applicants are encouraged to apply early. Applications must be submitted with all required documentation prior to the deadline on the positing. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
- Your application must include all relevant education and experience you possess. Human Resources staff reviews the information that you provide to determine if you meet the minimum qualifications for the job. The information you provide may be rated as a part of an examination.
- Read the job posting, requirements, and attach required documentation before submitting a proposal
- If you do not have computer access or scanning capabilities, computers are available at the Public Library. Additional documentation may be submitted via the mail, in person, by email or fax. Your name and the position you are applying for must be on every document.
Q: Do military veterans get a preference?
A: Points are awarded to qualified veterans and spouses of deceased or disabled veterans. Points are awarded subject to provision of MN Statutes 43A.11
Q: How do I verify employment?
A: The Human Resources Director or Payroll Manager can verify employment including the position title and employment starting and ending dates.